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Timeworks Minecraft Server
Night Sky with Stars


Venture Pheonix MK 1.png
Venture Dash MK 1.png
Venture Spark MK 1.png

The Venture spaceship company is the largest spacecraft manufacturer in the galaxy! There are many ships to choose from depending on your needs, from lightweight cruisers to industrial cargo ships.

Venture Phoenix MK 1

The Venture Phoenix MK 1 is a standard size, 2 level spaceship built for 2-3 passengers. It has a bathroom, storage bay, sleeping quarters, kitchen, living space, maintenance room and cockpit. It has industry standard landing gear, air shield, water supply, and lightdrive. The ship comes in Phoenix Red and retails for (#) Credits.

Venture Spark MK 1

The Venture Spark MK 1 is a small size, affordable spaceship built for 1 passenger. It has a very compact, space-efficient design and includes a bathroom, underdeck storage bay, kitchen, living space, maintenance closet and cockpit. It has industry standard landing gear, air shield, water supply, and lightdrive. The ship comes in Electric Yellow and retails for (#) Credits.

Venture Dash MK 1

The Venture Dash MK 1 is the smallest spaceship for 1 passenger on the market. It has a very tight design not intended for living in for long periods of time. It has storage, a furnace, a bed, maintenance, and cockpit. It has industry standard landing gear, air shield and lightdrive. The ship comes in gray and retails for (#) Credits.

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