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Discord Rules V1

Here are the rules for the Timeworks Studios Discord Server. Please read them so you have an understanding of what is allowed and what isn't.

1 | Respect Everyone:

This includes no racism, sexism, or any other “isms.” Making people feel unsafe or threatened is not acceptable. Bullying, impersonation, or threats both on and off the server (DMs) will not be tolerated. These also apply for voice chats. Do not ear rape anyone, we like being able to hear. Be sure to be civil and kind. Keep all conversations respectful and civil.

2 | No spam:

This one is pretty simple. Nobody likes to have to scroll through hundreds of lines of someone saying “Sub4Sub.” This also goes for voice chats. (btw sub 4 sub doesn’t work - so don’t do it here)

3 | No NSFW or inappropriate content:

This includes images on all channels, as well as written text. There is no room here for graphic or insensitive content.

4 | Use the channels properly:

#⚡frolic-friday is the place to post submissions for Frolic Friday. #😂memes is the only channel for posting memes, unless they are relevant to a conversation in another channel. #🎙mic_muted should only be used for the music bot. #💭suggestions is only for members to give us suggestions for future content. Finally, #📣promotions is for aspiring content creators to feature their videos and channels. Only safe links will be tolerated. If someone has posted before you, you must give their promotion 20 minutes before you can post your link. No spam here: the same link can only be posted once each day.

5 | Respect all mods and admins:

Listen to what they say. In the end, they have the final say when it comes to what happens if you break a rule. The punishments range from warnings, kicks, and bans, depending on the severity of the offence and the member’s history on the server.

That's all! Have fun everyone!

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